Warning is our “fire alarm” on the ongoing issues on your website in real-time so that you can act upon immediately. 

Have a look at this picture:

As you can see, there are 3 elements shown in this feature, they are:

  • Traffic: this element reveals which traffic source works and which doesn't. Based on the number of total visitors and several factors, warnings are given on average website conversion rate and last 7-day conversion rate
  • Product: It shows your product performance. Specifically, which items are having trouble with generating sales, in comparison to the average of the last 7 days.
  • Loading Slow: This part will reveal which URLs are loading slowly with: Total view, Total exit, Loading time and Exit rate. Based on these metrics, you can find out solutions to optimize them.

Here is all information about Warning function of Ecomfit.

Feel free to contact us via email: help@ecomfit.com

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