Welcome to Ecomfit. 

Here is the Installation Guide for Magento 2 Push Notifications extension:

Step 1: Unpack the extension ZIP file on your computer.

Step 2: Connect to your website source folder with  FTP/SFTP/SSH client and upload all the  files  and  folders  from  the  extension  package to the corresponding root folder of your Magento installation:

Please use the “Merge” upload mode. Do not replace the whole folders, but merge them. This way your FTP/SFTP client will only add new files. This mode is used by default by most of FTP/SFTP clients software. For MacOS it’s recommended to use Transmit. If you install several extensions from Amasty, they will contain same files from the Base package — feel free to overwrite them, these are system files used by all our extensions.


Step 3: Connect to your Magento directory with SSH.

Step 4: Run 3 following commands: 

  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Hope Ecomfit serves you well! Feel free to contact us via email: help@ecomfit.com